Metallic Gaskets

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PTFE gaskets

PTFE has the best chemical corrosion resistance among known plastics. DELTAONE supply complete range of PTFE gaskets. Solid PTFE, Expanded PTFE Gaskets, and PTFE Envelope gaskets. DELTAONE supply the complete PTFE Envelope Gaskets, also provide PTFE Envelope only.

Pure PTFE Gasket

> Outstanding chemical resistance;
> Non-corrosive, non-wetting, non-contaminating and odorless;
> Excellent electrical and thermal insulation when in virgin PTFE form.

PTFE Envelope Gasket

> PTFE Envelope, flexible materials insert;
> Wide working temperature range; > Excellent weathering and aging characteristics.

Expanded PTFE Gasket

> 100% PTFE resistant to all corrosive media
> Soft, twistable and bendable, used continue their service and keep its best performance
> Excellent anti-wriggle variation ability and cold current resistance...